What We Fund

The Newby Trust (the “Trust”) funds local, regional or national charities registered in the UK within the broad categories of education, the environment, health and  social welfare.

The principal purpose of the Trust is to enable people in the UK to improve their quality of life and fulfil their potential. In 2024, the trustees added a new category to provide support for the natural environment.

In the Education, Health and Welfare categories all activities must be undertaken in the UK and the Trust is more likely to fund smaller or medium-sized charities with an annual income of less than £1,000,000.  In the Environment category, the Trust will fund larger charities and projects may be outside the UK but the applicant and grant-recipient must be a UK-registered charity.  In general, only charities that are invited to apply will be considered for a grant.

Please send an email to info@newby-trust.org.uk if you would like to bring the work of your charity to the attention of the Trust.  Due to the number of enquiries received and limited staff time, the Trust regrets that it is only able respond to introductory emails if the Trust wishes to take the enquiry to the next stage.


Contact Us

Company Secretary:
Annabel Grout


Correspondence Address:
Newby Trust Ltd
PO Box 143
Kingsbridge TQ7 9BY